V. Publications and Works in Progress
Published Monographs
- “Author Function: A Literary History of Artificial Intelligence.” Forthcoming, University
of Chicago Press, 2024.
- Literary Theory for Robots, W.W. Norton, 2024.
- Plain Text: The Poetics of Computation.
Stanford University Press, 2017. Reviewed in Critical
(September 2017),
(October 2017),
(November 2017), and Textual
(July 2018).
Peer-reviewed Publications
- “Author—Anonymous and Distributed.” New
Techno Humanities 4.1 (2024).
- “Distributed Agency in the
Novel.” New Literary History 54.1 (2022): 903-937.
- “The Emergence of American
Modern Philology 117.2 (November 2019): 257–283.
- “Toward a Computational Archaeology of Fictional
Space.” New Literary History
49.1 (2018): 119–47.
- “Laminate Text: The Strata of Digital
Inscription.” Amodern (December, 2017).
- “Unintelligent Design.”
Boundary 2 44.2 (May, 2017): 145–56.
- “Book Piracy as Peer
primary author with Maxwell Foxman Computational Culture 4 (2014).
- “Sustainable Authorship in Plain
The Programming Historian (2014). Primary author with Grant Wythoff. Translated into Spanish
as “Escritura sostenible en texto plano usando Pandoc y
by Víctor Gayol (revisado por Antonio Rojas Castro y Maria José Afanador-Llach).
- “Stalin’s
Modernism/modernity 21.1 (2014): 253–267.
- “Three Notes on Mary.” The Nabokovian 46 (2001): 24–25.
Contributed Essays & Chapters (Refereed)
- “Materiality,” in The Cambridge Companion to Literature in a Digital Age, ed.
Adam Hammond. Cambridge UP, 2024.
- “Anonymous, Massively Collaborative, Trans-human,” in Rethinking Authorship in Comparative
and Historical Perspectives [in Japanese], ed. Haruo Shirane and Tomi Suzuki. Iwanami
Shoten, 2022.
- “Reading Platforms: A Concise History of the Electronic Book” in The Unfinished Book, ed.
Alexandra Gillespie and Deidre Shauna Lynch. Oxford UP, 2021.
- “Archive” in Literature: An Introduction to Theory and Analysis, ed. Mads Rosendahl
Thomsen, et al. Bloomsbury, 2017: 299-310.
- “Visual-quantitative Approaches to the Intellectual History of the Field” in Futures of
Comparative Literature, ed. Ursula K. Heise, et al. Routledge, 2017: 258-266.
- “Critical Computing in the Humanities” with John Simpson and Phillip Polefrone in Doing
Digital Humanities: Practice, Training and Research, Ed. Ray Siemens. Routledge, 2016: 85-103.
- “Blunt Instrumentalism” in Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matthew K. Gold, et al.
Minnesota UP, 2016: 83-91.
- “Travelogue as Fact and Fiction.” Imaginäre Topografien: Migration und Verortung, ed.
Klaus Müller-Richter and Ramona Uritescu-Lombard. Transcript-Verlag, 2007: 99-111.
Reviews, Editorials, Interviews, Popular Press
- “Automi autori dai dizionari a
L’Espresso November 8, 2024: p80–82. English translation here.
- An interview with Luca De
Biase for Il Sole 24
Ore. November 3, 2024.
- “Drowning in a Mechanical
Chorus,” a response to Jill
Walker Rettberg’s “How Generative AI Endangers Cultural Narratives.” Issues in Science
and Technology Volume XL.3, Spring 2024: 15.
- “Dennis Tenen on Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age by Bernard
Harcourt.” Los Angeles Review of Books
(2016). Included in the The Digital Revolution: Debating the Promise and Perils of
the Internet in the Last Years of the Obama
(LARB, 2017), ed. Michele Pridmore-Brown & Julien Crockett.
- “What Is? Nine Epistemological Essays by Johanna
Design and Culture, 7.2 (2015): 264-5.
- “Writing Technology: The Circle by David Eggers and Mad About a Boy by Bridget
Jones.” Public Books (2014).
- “History and Poetics of Intertextuality by Marko Juvan.” The Slavic and East
European Journal 56.2 (2012): 309.
- “Vokzal, Garazh, Angar: Vladimir Nabokov I Poetika Russkogo Urbanizma by Yuri
Leving.” The Slavic and East European Journal 49.4 (2005): 688–89.
Projects in Progress
- “Writers’ Room,” book manuscript in progress.
- “Formal Methods in Text Analysis,” book manuscript in development.
- “Soft Power through State Reading Rooms,” article in progress.
- “The Stories of Vaccination,” article in progress.
- “LARPing as a National Security Threat,” article in progress.
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