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V. Publications and Works in Progress

Published Monographs

  1. “Author Function: A Literary History of Artificial Intelligence.” Forthcoming, University of Chicago Press, 2024.
  2. Literary Theory for Robots, W.W. Norton, 2024.
  3. Plain Text: The Poetics of Computation. Stanford University Press, 2017. Reviewed in Critical Inquiry (September 2017), Leonardo (October 2017), LARB (November 2017), and Textual Practice (July 2018).

Peer-reviewed Publications

  1. Author—Anonymous and Distributed.” New Techno Humanities 4.1 (2024).
  2. Distributed Agency in the Novel.” New Literary History 54.1 (2022): 903-937.
  3. The Emergence of American Formalism.” Modern Philology 117.2 (November 2019): 257–283.
  4. Toward a Computational Archaeology of Fictional Space.” New Literary History 49.1 (2018): 119–47.
  5. Laminate Text: The Strata of Digital Inscription.” Amodern (December, 2017).
  6. Unintelligent Design.” Boundary 2 44.2 (May, 2017): 145–56.
  7. Book Piracy as Peer Preservation,” primary author with Maxwell Foxman Computational Culture 4 (2014).
  8. Sustainable Authorship in Plain Text.” The Programming Historian (2014). Primary author with Grant Wythoff. Translated into Spanish as “Escritura sostenible en texto plano usando Pandoc y Markdown” by Víctor Gayol (revisado por Antonio Rojas Castro y Maria José Afanador-Llach).
  9. Stalin’s PowerPoint.” Modernism/modernity 21.1 (2014): 253–267.
  10. “Three Notes on Mary.” The Nabokovian 46 (2001): 24–25.

Contributed Essays & Chapters (Refereed)

  1. “Materiality,” in The Cambridge Companion to Literature in a Digital Age, ed. Adam Hammond. Cambridge UP, 2024.
  2. “Anonymous, Massively Collaborative, Trans-human,” in Rethinking Authorship in Comparative and Historical Perspectives [in Japanese], ed. Haruo Shirane and Tomi Suzuki. Iwanami Shoten, 2022.
  3. “Reading Platforms: A Concise History of the Electronic Book” in The Unfinished Book, ed. Alexandra Gillespie and Deidre Shauna Lynch. Oxford UP, 2021.
  4. “Archive” in Literature: An Introduction to Theory and Analysis, ed. Mads Rosendahl Thomsen, et al. Bloomsbury, 2017: 299-310.
  5. “Visual-quantitative Approaches to the Intellectual History of the Field” in Futures of Comparative Literature, ed. Ursula K. Heise, et al. Routledge, 2017: 258-266.
  6. “Critical Computing in the Humanities” with John Simpson and Phillip Polefrone in Doing Digital Humanities: Practice, Training and Research, Ed. Ray Siemens. Routledge, 2016: 85-103.
  7. “Blunt Instrumentalism” in Debates in the Digital Humanities, ed. Matthew K. Gold, et al. Minnesota UP, 2016: 83-91.
  8. “Travelogue as Fact and Fiction.” Imaginäre Topografien: Migration und Verortung, ed. Klaus Müller-Richter and Ramona Uritescu-Lombard. Transcript-Verlag, 2007: 99-111.
  1. Automi autori dai dizionari a ChatGpt,” L’Espresso November 8, 2024: p80–82. English translation here.
  2. An interview with Luca De Biase for Il Sole 24 Ore. November 3, 2024.
  3. Drowning in a Mechanical Chorus,” a response to Jill Walker Rettberg’s “How Generative AI Endangers Cultural Narratives.” Issues in Science and Technology Volume XL.3, Spring 2024: 15.
  4. Dennis Tenen on Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digital Age by Bernard Harcourt.” Los Angeles Review of Books (2016). Included in the The Digital Revolution: Debating the Promise and Perils of the Internet in the Last Years of the Obama Administration (LARB, 2017), ed. Michele Pridmore-Brown & Julien Crockett.
  5. What Is? Nine Epistemological Essays by Johanna Drucker.” Design and Culture, 7.2 (2015): 264-5.
  6. Writing Technology: The Circle by David Eggers and Mad About a Boy by Bridget Jones.” Public Books (2014).
  7. History and Poetics of Intertextuality by Marko Juvan.” The Slavic and East European Journal 56.2 (2012): 309.
  8. Vokzal, Garazh, Angar: Vladimir Nabokov I Poetika Russkogo Urbanizma by Yuri Leving.” The Slavic and East European Journal 49.4 (2005): 688–89.

Projects in Progress

  1. “Writers’ Room,” book manuscript in progress.
  2. “Formal Methods in Text Analysis,” book manuscript in development.
  3. “Soft Power through State Reading Rooms,” article in progress.
  4. “The Stories of Vaccination,” article in progress.
  5. “LARPing as a National Security Threat,” article in progress.
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